by Calculated Risk on 7/15/2009 09:15:00 AM
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Industrial Production Declines, Capacity Utilization at Record Low in June
The Federal Reserve reported:
Industrial production decreased 0.4 percent in June after having fallen 1.2 percent in May. For the second quarter as a whole, output fell at an annual rate of 11.6 percent, a more moderate contraction than in the first quarter, when output fell 19.1 percent. Manufacturing output moved down 0.6 percent in June, with declines at both durable and nondurable goods producers. ... The rate of capacity utilization for total industry declined in June to 68.0 percent, a level 12.9 percentage points below its average for 1972-2008. Prior to the current recession, the low over the history of this series, which begins in 1967, was 70.9 percent in December 1982.
emphasis added

This graph shows Capacity Utilization. This series is at another record low (the series starts in 1967).
In addition to the weakness in industrial production, there is little reason for investment in new production facilities until capacity utilization recovers.