by Calculated Risk on 1/24/2011 10:40:00 AM
Monday, January 24, 2011
DOT: Vehicle Miles Driven increased in November
The Department of Transportation (DOT) reported that vehicle miles driven in November were up 1.1% compared to November 2009:
Travel on all roads and streets changed by 1.1% (2.6 billion vehicle miles) for November 2010 as compared with November 2009. Travel for the month is estimated to be 241.8 billion vehicle miles.
Cumulative Travel for 2010 changed by 0.7% (19.0 billion vehicle miles).

This graph shows the rolling 12 month total vehicle miles driven.
On a rolling 12 month basis, vehicle miles driven have only increased 1.2% from the bottom of the recession.
Miles driven are still 1.3% below the peak in 2007. This is another indicator of a sluggish recovery.
Note: in the early '80s, miles driven (rolling 12 months) stayed below the previous peak for 39 months. Currently miles driven has been below the previous peak for 36 months - another record that will be broken soon.