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Thursday, July 14, 2005

Trade Deficit Projection: May Review

by Calculated Risk on 7/14/2005 01:24:00 AM

Two months ago I started to build a simple model to project the trade deficit. I didn't make as much progress as I had hoped, but the first two components (oil and China) have performed reasonably well for two months..

First, I projected the oil trade balance. And then I projected the trade deficit with China.

My model projected a deficit of $15.5 Billion Seasonally Adjusted in energy related petroleum product imports. The actual number was $15.8 Billion (see Exhibit 9). This is an error of just under 2%.

For the trade balance with China, my model projected a deficit of $15.5B NSA (SA is not available). The actual number (see Exhibit 14) was $15.7B or an error of 1.2%.

Here are each of the components and how the model performed:

US Exports to China (NSA)$3.4B$3.3B3%
US Imports from China (NSA)$18.9B$19.05B<1%
US Trade Deficit: China (NSA)$15.5B$15.75B1.6%
Oil: Imports SA$17.4B$18.1B3.9%
Oil: Exports SA$1.9B$2.3B17%
OIL Balance SA$15.5B$15.8B2%

Some internal data:

Oil: Contract Price BBL$42.88$43.08<1%
Oil: BBLs Crude337.9M318.6M6%
Oil: Price Other BBL$49.31$48.99<1%
Oil: BBLs Other85M99.7M15%
Oil: Oil Imports NSA$18.7B$18.6B<1%

It appears my SA factor for oil imports was somewhat off the mark. I'll have to take another look at that step. There is much more to do!