by Calculated Risk on 9/13/2005 08:30:00 AM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
US Trade Deficit: $57.9 Billion for July
The U.S. Census Bureau and the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released the monthly trade balance report today for July:
"... total July exports of $106.2 billion and imports of $164.2 billion resulted in a goods and services deficit of $57.9 billion, $1.6 billionNote: all numbers are seasonally adjusted.
less than the $59.5 billion in June, revised.
July exports were $0.4 billion more than June exports of $105.8 billion. July imports were $1.1 billion less than June imports of $165.3 billion."

Click on graph for larger image.
July 2005 was 13% worse than July 2004. For the first seven months of 2005, the trade deficits is up 18% over the same period in 2004.
Imports from China set another record of $21,283 Billion. Imports from Japan were off slightly to $11,363 Billion.

The average contract price for oil set a new record of $49.03 per barrel breaking the old record of $44.76 in April.
The SA petroleum trade deficit set another record of $18.5 Billion.
With record imports from China and a record petroleum deficit, I'm surprised that the overall trade deficit wasn't a record; but it was close. I expect the deficit to widen over the rest of the year.