by Calculated Risk on 12/18/2007 07:19:00 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Financial Times on Second Wave of SIV Liquidity Issues
From the Financial Times: Second wave of SIV liquidity problems looms
January will bring the start of a second wave of liquidity problems for SIVs as the vast majority of medium-term funding starts to come due for repayment, according to a report from Dresdner Kleinwort analysts to be published on Wednesday.Luckily the SuperSIV will be ready to step in, from Bloomberg: `SuperSIV' Fund to Start Buying in Weeks, Banks Say.
SIVs rely on cheap, short-term debt ... [that] has come from both ...(CP) ... and from the slightly longer maturity medium-term note (MTN) markets. ... “So far SIVs have primarily felt the impact of collapsed CP issuance,” said Domenico Picone at DrK. “Outstanding MTN for the 30 SIVs currently stands at $181bn, which will be the next liquidity challenge they face.”