by Tanta on 1/31/2008 07:43:00 AM
Thursday, January 31, 2008
More Fig Leaves
PBS (thanks, ES!):
JEFF YASTINE, NIGHTLY BUSINESS REPORT CORRESPONDENT: You wouldn't call Sandra Sanchez a real estate speculator. The mother of two teaches at a private school. Two years ago, with a daughter headed off to college and the real estate boom in full swing, she purchased this house as an investment property. It seemed like a good idea at the time.I have no idea why I wouldn't call Ms. Sanchez a real estate speculator, since as far as I can tell she was speculating in real estate. I'm sure she's an amateur speculator, but that's rather the point, isn't it?
YASTINE: Sandra Sanchez, struggling now to make payments on two homes, thinks the GOP and Democratic candidates are beginning to pay attention.I'm guessing that we could, certainly, sit back and let things happen to speculators. Hence the fig leaf.
SANCHEZ: I think they're seriously thinking about the matter. And they know that a lot of the votes come from the average people, so you have to focus on the needs of the average people. You cannot sit back and let things happen to people.
YASTINE: With that in mind, Sanchez says she'll vote today and reevaluate come November. She hopes her homes haven't been foreclosed upon by then.