by Calculated Risk on 3/18/2008 10:12:00 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
OFHEO to Announce Change in Fannie, Freddie Capital Requirements
From the WSJ: Fannie, Freddie Regulator Plans Capital Announcement
Ofheo for the past several years has required Fannie and Freddie to hold 30% more capital than their usual minimum while they have worked to resolve lapses in their accounting and internal risk controls, a process now viewed as largely complete. Ofheo is expected to reduce that capital "surcharge" initially to 20%.It wasn't that long ago when Fannie and Freddie were the problem, now they are the solution. The press conference is Wednesday at 9 AM.
The move should reduce Freddie's capital requirement by about $2.6 billion and Fannie's by $3.2 billion.