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Friday, August 28, 2009

Japan: Record Unemployment Rate

by Calculated Risk on 8/28/2009 12:16:00 AM

From MarketWatch: Japan reports record unemployment rate for July

Japan [reported] a record unemployment rate and the biggest decline in consumer prices in roughly 38 years.

Japan's Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications said the country's unemployment rate rose to 5.7% in July from 5.4% in the previous month.

The unemployment rate was higher than the 5.5% expected by economists, according to Dow Jones Newswires, and is the highest on record since World War II.
Meanwhile Japan's average monthly income per household fell 2.4% in nominal terms in July, while consumption expenditures fell 4.5% nominally ...
Japan's recession may be over, but I bet it doesn't feel like it to many workers.