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Sunday, August 23, 2009

Krugman: Economy in "Purgatory"

by Calculated Risk on 8/23/2009 06:09:00 PM

(ht The Economic Populist)

"We've got a problem with terminology because we usually say either the economy is in recession or the economy is recovering. Either you're in hell, or you're in heaven. And the trouble is we're actually in purgatory. We're actually in a situation almost for sure GDP is growing; almost for sure the business cycle leading committee will eventually decide that the recession ended this summer. But almost surely also we're still losing jobs. The unemployment rate is going to continue to rise. So we're in that infamous jobless recovery state."
"What we have now is a whole lot better than seeing the end of the world six months down the pike, but it is not good enough - or even remotely good enough."
emphasis added