Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Mortgage Delinquencies by State: Range and Current

Two weeks ago I posted a graph of mortgage delinquencies by state. This raised a question of how the current delinquency rate compares to before the crisis - and also a comparison to the peak of the delinquency crisis in each state.

The following graph shows the range of percent seriously delinquent and in-foreclosure for each state (dashed blue line) since 2007. The red diamond indicates the current serious delinquency rate (this includes 90+ days delinquent or in the foreclosure process).

Serious Mortgage Delinquencies by State: Range and Current Click on graph for larger image.

Many states have seen declines, and several states have seen significant declines in the serious delinquency rate including Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and California. Other states, like New Jersey and New York, have made little or no progress in reducing serious delinquencies.

Arizona, Michigan, Nevada and California are all non-judicial foreclosure states. States with little progress like New Jersey and New York are judicial states. Florida is a judicial states - and has the highest serious deliquency rate - but Florida has seen some improvement.

Total Mortgage Delinquencies by State: Range and CurrentThe second graph shows total delinquencies (including less than 90 days) and in-foreclosure.

Although some states have seen significant declines in delinquency rates, all states are still above the Q1 2007 levels - and some states have seen little progress.