Thursday, February 05, 2015

Friday: Jobs, Jobs, Jobs

Here was an employment preview I posted earlier: Preview for January Employment Report: Taking the Under

• At 8:30 AM ET, the Employment Report for January. The consensus is for an increase of 230,000 non-farm payroll jobs added in January, down from the 252,000 non-farm payroll jobs added in December. The consensus is for the unemployment rate to be unchanged at 5.6% in January from 5.6% the previous month.

Notes: The annual benchmark revision will be released with the January report. The preliminary estimate was an additional 7,000 jobs as of March 2014.

Also, the new population controls will be used in the Current Population Survey (CPS) estimation process. It is important to note that "household survey data for January 2015 will not be directly comparable with data for December 2014 or earlier periods".

• At 3:00 PM, Consumer Credit for December from the Federal Reserve. The consensus is for credit to increase $15.0 billion.

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