by Calculated Risk on 6/03/2020 04:11:00 PM
Wednesday, June 03, 2020
Census: Household Pulse Survey shows 48.1% of Households lost Income
Note: The question on lost income is always since March 13, 2020 - so this percentage will not decline.
From the Census Bureau: Measuring Household Experiences during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic
The U.S. Census Bureau, in collaboration with five federal agencies, is in a unique position to produce data on the social and economic effects of COVID-19 on American households. The Household Pulse Survey is designed to deploy quickly and efficiently, collecting data to measure household experiences during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Data will be disseminated in near real-time to inform federal and state response and recovery planning.This will be updated weekly, and the Census Bureau released the fourth week of survey results today. This survey asks about Loss in Employment Income, Expected Loss in Employment Income, Food Scarcity, Delayed Medical Care, Housing Insecurity and K-12 Educational Changes.
Data collection for the Household Pulse Survey began on April 23, 2020. The Census Bureau will collect data for 90 days, and release data on a weekly basis.

This survey will be useful in tracking the "opening" of the economy.
The data was collected between May 21 and May 26, 2020.
48.1% of households report loss in employment income since March 13th.
The data will be updated weekly for 90 days.