by Calculated Risk on 8/10/2020 08:49:00 AM
Monday, August 10, 2020
High Frequency Indicators for the Economy
Note: I've added a New York specific indicator - subway usage - at the bottom.
These indicators are mostly for travel and entertainment - some of the sectors that will recover very slowly.
The TSA is providing daily travel numbers.
This data shows the seven day average of daily total traveler throughput from the TSA for 2019 (Blue) and 2020 (Red).
On Aug 9th, the seven day average was 699,675 compared to the seven average of 2,543,977 a year ago.
The seven day average is down 72.5% from last year. There had been a slow steady increase from the bottom, but air travel has mostly moved sideways over the last several weeks.
The second graph shows the 7 day average of the year-over-year change in diners as tabulated by OpenTable for the US and several selected cities.
This data is updated through Aug 8, 2020.
This data is "a sample of restaurants on the OpenTable network across all channels: online reservations, phone reservations, and walk-ins. For year-over-year comparisons by day, we compare to the same day of the week from the same week in the previous year."
Note that this data is for "only the restaurants that have chosen to reopen in a given market".
The 7 day average for New York is still off 75%.
Texas is down 51% YoY. Note that dining declined in many areas as the number of COVID cases surged. It appears dining is increasing again (probably mostly outdoor dining).
Note that the data is usually noisy week-to-week and depends on when blockbusters are released.
Movie ticket sales have picked up a slightly from the bottom, but are still under $1 million per week (compared to usually around $300 million per week), and ticket sales have essentially been at zero for twenty weeks.
Most movie theaters are closed all across the country, and will probably reopen slowly (probably with limited seating at first).
The red line is for 2020, dash light blue is 2019, blue is the median, and black is for 2009 (the worst year probably since the Great Depression for hotels).
This data is through August 1st.
COVID-19 crushed hotel occupancy, however the occupancy rate has increased in 15 of the last 16 weeks, and is currently down 35% year-over-year.
Notes: Y-axis doesn't start at zero to better show the seasonal change.
Usually hotel occupancy starts to pick up seasonally in early June and decline towards the end of summer. So some of the recent pickup might be seasonal (summer travel). Note that summer occupancy usually peaks at the end of July or in early August.
At one point, gasoline consumption was off almost 50% YoY.
As of July 31st, gasoline consumption was only off about 11% YoY (about 89% of normal).
Note: I know several people that have driven to vacation spots - or to visit family - and they usually would have flown. So this might be boosting gasoline consumption over the summer.
This graph is from Apple mobility. From Apple: "This data is generated by counting the number of requests made to Apple Maps for directions in select countries/regions, sub-regions, and cities." This is just a general guide - people that regularly commute probably don't ask for directions.
There is also some great data on mobility from the Dallas Fed Mobility and Engagement Index. However the index is set "relative to its weekday-specific average over January–February", and is not seasonally adjusted, so we can't tell if an increase in mobility is due to recovery or just the normal increase in the Spring and Summer.
The graph is the running 7 day average to remove the impact of weekends.
IMPORTANT: All data is relative to January 13, 2020. This data is NOT Seasonally Adjusted. People walk and drive more when the weather is nice, so I'm just using the transit data.
According to the Apple data directions requests, public transit in the 7 day average for the US is still only about 53% of the January level. It is at 48% in New York, and 55% in Houston.
Here is some interesting data on New York subway usage (HT BR).
This data is through Friday, August 7th.
Schneider has graphs for each borough, and links to all the data sources.
He notes: "Data updates weekly from the MTA’s public turnstile data, usually on Saturday mornings"