Thursday, May 25, 2023

Total Housing Completions will Likely Decrease Slightly in 2023; The Mix will Change

Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: Total Housing Completions will Likely Decrease Slightly in 2023; The Mix will Change

Brief excerpt:
Although housing starts have slowed, completions will likely only decrease slightly in 2023.

Housing Completions Estimate 2023This graph shows total housing completions and placements since 1968 with an estimate for 2023. Note that the net additional to the housing stock is less because of demolitions and destruction of older housing units.

My current estimate is total completions (single-family, multi-family, manufactured homes) will decrease in 2023 to around 1.45 million, down from 1.505 million in 2022. However, the mix will change significantly from 2022 with fewer single family completions, and more multi-family completions.
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