Wednesday, May 15, 2024

YoY Measures of Inflation: Services, Goods and Shelter

Here are a few measures of inflation:

The first graph is the one Fed Chair Powell had mentioned when services less rent of shelter was up around 8% year-over-year.  This declined, but has turned up recently, and is now up 4.9% YoY.

Services ex-ShelterClick on graph for larger image.

This graph shows the YoY price change for Services and Services less rent of shelter through April2024.

Services were up 5.2% YoY as of April 2024, down from 5.3% YoY in March.

Services less rent of shelter was up 4.9% YoY in April, up from 4.8% YoY in March.

Goods CPIThe second graph shows that goods prices started to increase year-over-year (YoY) in 2020 and accelerated in 2021 due to both strong demand and supply chain disruptions.

Durables were at -3.2% YoY as of April 2024, down from -2.1% YoY in March.

Commodities less food and energy commodities were at -1.2% YoY in April, down from -0.7% YoY in March.

ShelterHere is a graph of the year-over-year change in shelter from the CPI report (through April) and housing from the PCE report (through March)

Shelter was up 5.5% year-over-year in April, down from 5.6% in March. Housing (PCE) was up 5.79% YoY in March, down slightly from 5.85% in February.

This is still catching up with private data.  The BLS noted this morning: "The index for shelter rose in April, as did the index for gasoline. Combined, these two indexes contributed over seventy percent of the monthly increase in the index for all items."

Core CPI ex-shelter was up 2.1% YoY in April, down from 2.4% in March.

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