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Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Part 1: Current State of the Housing Market; Overview for mid-August 2024

by Calculated Risk on 8/13/2024 08:48:00 AM

Today, in the Calculated Risk Real Estate Newsletter: Part 1: Current State of the Housing Market; Overview for mid-August 2024

A brief excerpt:

This 2-part overview for mid-August provides a snapshot of the current housing market.

I always focus first on inventory, since inventory usually tells the tale!
Here is a graph of new listing from’s July 2024 Monthly Housing Market Trends Report showing new listings were up 3.6% year-over-year in June. New listings are still well below pre-pandemic levels. From

New Listings
Sellers continued to list their homes in higher numbers this July as newly listed homes were 3.6% above last year’s levels but substantially less than June’s figure of 6.3%. This marks the ninth month of increasing listing activity after a 17-month streak of decline.
Note the seasonality for new listings. December and January are seasonally the weakest months of the year for new listings, followed by February and November. New listings will be up year-over-year in 2024, but still below normal levels.

There are always people that need to sell due to the so-called 3 D’s: Death, Divorce, and Disease. Also, in certain times, some homeowners will need to sell due to unemployment or excessive debt (neither is much of an issue right now).

And there are homeowners who want to sell for a number of reasons: upsizing (more babies), downsizing, moving for a new job, or moving to a nicer home or location (move-up buyers). It is some of the “want to sell” group that has been locked in with the golden handcuffs over the last couple of years, since it is financially difficult to move when your current mortgage rate is around 3%, and your new mortgage rate will around 6.5%.

But time is a factor for this “want to sell” group, and eventually some of them will take the plunge. That is probably why we are seeing more new listings now.
There is much more in the article.