by Calculated Risk on 11/16/2009 02:24:00 PM
Monday, November 16, 2009
LA Area Port Traffic in October
Note: this is not seasonally adjusted. There is a very distinct seasonal pattern for imports, but not for exports.
Sometimes port traffic gives us an early hint of changes in the trade deficit. The following graph shows the loaded inbound and outbound traffic at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach in TEUs (TEUs: 20-foot equivalent units or 20-foot-long cargo container). Although containers tell us nothing about value, container traffic does give us an idea of the volume of goods being exported and imported. Click on graph for larger image in new window.
Loaded inbound traffic was 14.7% below October 2008.
Loaded outbound traffic was 1.0% above October 2008.
There was a clear recovery in U.S. exports earlier this year; however exports have been mostly flat since May. This year will be the 3rd best year for export traffic at LA area ports, behind 2007 and 2008.
For imports, traffic is below the October 2003 level, and 2009 will be the weakest year for import traffic since 2002.
Note: Imports usually peak in the August through October period (as retailers import goods for the holidays) and then decline in November.
The lack of further export growth to Asia is discouraging ...
On imports - last year retailers were stuck with too much inventory (the supply chain is long and imports didn't adjust as quickly as exports). It appears retailers will have much less inventory this year for the holidays.
Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke at Economic Club of NY
by Calculated Risk on 11/16/2009 12:15:00 PM
Here is a live video of Bernanke at the Economic Club of NY
Here is the CNBC feed.
Prepared Speech: On the Outlook for the Economy and Policy
How the economy will evolve in 2010 and beyond is less certain. On the one hand, those who see further weakness or even a relapse into recession next year point out that some of the sources of the recent pickup--including a reduced pace of inventory liquidation and limited-time policies such as the "cash for clunkers" program--are likely to provide only temporary support to the economy. On the other hand, those who are more optimistic point to indications of more fundamental improvements, including strengthening consumer spending outside of autos, a nascent recovery in home construction, continued stabilization in financial conditions, and stronger growth abroad.On CRE (added):
My own view is that the recent pickup reflects more than purely temporary factors and that continued growth next year is likely. However, some important headwinds--in particular, constrained bank lending and a weak job market--likely will prevent the expansion from being as robust as we would hope.
Demand for commercial property has dropped as the economy has weakened, leading to significant declines in property values, increased vacancy rates, and falling rents. These poor fundamentals have caused a sharp deterioration in the credit quality of CRE loans on banks' books and of the loans that back commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS). Pressures may be particularly acute at smaller regional and community banks that entered the crisis with high concentrations of CRE loans. In response, banks have been reducing their exposure to these loans quite rapidly in recent months. Meanwhile, the market for securitizations backed by these loans remains all but closed. With nearly $500 billion of CRE loans scheduled to mature annually over the next few years, the performance of this sector depends critically on the ability of borrowers to refinance many of those loans. Especially if CMBS financing remains unavailable, banks will face the tough decision of whether to roll over maturing debt or to foreclose.More:
I expect moderate economic growth to continue next year. Final demand shows signs of strengthening, supported by the broad improvement in financial conditions. Additionally, the beneficial influence of the inventory cycle on production should continue for somewhat longer. Housing faces important problems, including continuing high foreclosure rates, but residential investment should become a small positive for growth next year rather than a significant drag, as has been the case for the past several years. Prospects for nonresidential construction are poor, however, given weak fundamentals and tight financing conditions.
Jobs are likely to remain scarce for some time, keeping households cautious about spending. As the recovery becomes established, however, payrolls should begin to grow again, at a pace that increases over time. Nevertheless, as net gains of roughly 100,000 jobs per month are needed just to absorb new entrants to the labor force, the unemployment rate likely will decline only slowly if economic growth remains moderate, as I expect.
Business Inventories Decline in September
by Calculated Risk on 11/16/2009 10:00:00 AM
The Manufacturing and Trade Inventories and Sales report from the Census Bureau today showed inventories are still declining. Click on graph for larger image in new window.
The Census Bureau reported:
Manufacturers’ and trade inventories, adjusted for seasonal variations but not for price changes, were estimated at an end-of-month level of $1,303.4 billion, down 0.4 percent (±0.1%) from August 2009 and down 13.4 percent (±0.3%) from September 2008.Inventory levels are still a little high compared to lower sales levels, and further inventory reductions are probably coming. Although changes in private inventories made a positive contribution to Q3 GDP in the preliminary report, the usual inventory restocking cycle at the beginning of a recovery will probably be muted without a pickup in final demand.
The total business inventories/sales ratio based on seasonally adjusted data at the end of September was 1.32. The September 2008 ratio was 1.32.
Retail Sales Increase in October
by Calculated Risk on 11/16/2009 08:30:00 AM
On a monthly basis, retail sales increased 1.4% from September to October (seasonally adjusted), and sales are off 1.7% from October 2008. Excluding auto sales and parts, retail sales rose 0.2% in October.
The increase in October was mostly a rebound from the decline in September. Click on graph for larger image in new window.
This graph shows retail sales since 1992. This is monthly retail sales, seasonally adjusted (total and ex-gasoline).
This shows that retail sales fell off a cliff in late 2008, and appear to have bottomed, but at a much lower level.
The red line shows retail sales ex-gasoline and shows there has been little increase in final demand.The second graph shows the year-over-year change in retail sales since 1993.
Real retail sales declined by 1.7% on a YoY basis. The year-over-year comparisons are much easier now since retail sales collapsed in October 2008. Retail sales bottomed in December 2008.
Here is the Census Bureau report:
The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that advance estimates of U.S. retail and food services sales for October, adjusted for seasonal variation and holiday and trading-day differences, but not for price changes, were $347.5 billion, an increase of 1.4 percent (±0.5%) from the previous month, but 1.7 percent (±0.5%) below October 2008. Total sales for the August through October 2009 period were up 1.5 percent (±0.3%) from the same period a year ago. The August to September 2009 percent change was revised from -1.5 percent (±0.5%) to -2.3 percent (±0.3%).It appears retail sales have bottomed, but there has been little pickup in final demand.
IMF: China Needs Stronger Currency
by Calculated Risk on 11/16/2009 12:13:00 AM
From Reuters: Stronger Yuan Needed for Global Rebalancing: IMF Chief
IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said ... [China needs to increase emphasis on domestic demand], especially private consumption ...And from Paul Krugman: World Out of Balance
"A stronger currency is part of the package of necessary reforms," he said. "Allowing the renminbi (yuan) and other Asian currencies to rise would help increase the purchasing power of households, raise the labour share of income, and provide the right incentives to reorient investment."
... Looking forward, we can expect to see both China’s trade surplus and America’s trade deficit surge.This is something I need to think about. The U.S. trade deficit has been closely correlated to Mortgage Equity Withdrawal (MEW, aka "Home ATM"), and I doubt MEW is coming back soon, so I'm not sure we will see a huge increase in the deficit this time (excluding China and oil exporting companies). So this might impact other countries (like Europe) more than the U.S.
That, at any rate, is the argument made in a new paper by Richard Baldwin and Daria Taglioni of the Graduate Institute, Geneva. As they note, trade imbalances, both China’s surplus and America’s deficit, have recently been much smaller than they were a few years ago. But, they argue, “these global imbalance improvements are mostly illusory — the transitory side effect of the greatest trade collapse the world has ever seen.”
But with the financial crisis abating, this process is going into reverse. Last week’s U.S. trade report showed a sharp increase in the trade deficit between August and September. And there will be many more reports along those lines.
So picture this: month after month of headlines juxtaposing soaring U.S. trade deficits and Chinese trade surpluses with the suffering of unemployed American workers. If I were the Chinese government, I’d be really worried about that prospect.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Housing Starts and Vacant Units: No "V" Shaped Recovery
by Calculated Risk on 11/15/2009 07:31:00 PM
On Friday I posted a graph showing the historical relationship between housing starts and the unemployment rate (repeated as the 2nd graph below). The graph shows that housing leads the economy both into and out of recessions, and the unemployment rate lags housing by about 12 to 18 months.
It appears that housing starts bottomed earlier this year, however I don't think we will see a sharp recovery in housing this time - and I also think unemployment will remain high throughout 2010. As I noted in the earlier post, there is still a large overhang of vacant housing in the United States, and a sharp bounce back in housing starts is unlikely.
The following graph shows total housing starts and the percent vacant housing units (owner and rental) in the U.S. Note: this is a combined vacancy rate based on the Census Bureau vacancy rates for owner occupied and rental housing. Click on graph for larger image in new window.
It is very unlikely that there will be a strong rebound in housing starts with a record number of vacant housing units.
The vacancy rate has continued to climb even after housing starts fell off a cliff. Initially this was because of a significant number of completions. Also some hidden inventory (like some 2nd homes) have become available for sale or for rent, and lately some households have probably doubled up because of tough economic times.
Note: the increase in the vacancy rate in the '80s was due to several factors including demographics (baby boomers moving from renting to owning), and overbuilding of apartment units (part of S&L crisis).
Here is a repeat of the earlier graph: This graph shows single family housing starts and unemployment (inverted). (The first graph shows total housing starts)
You can see both the correlation and the lag. The lag is usually about 12 to 18 months, with peak correlation at a lag of 16 months for single unit starts. The 2001 recession was a business investment led recession, and the pattern didn't hold.
This suggests unemployment might peak in Spring or Summer 2010. However, since I expect the housing recovery to be sluggish, I also expect unemployment to remain high throughout 2010.
Krugman Suggests $300 Billion Jobs Program
by Calculated Risk on 11/15/2009 03:32:00 PM
"There’s no hard and fast number, but ... I have in mind something like $300 Billion, you could do quite a lot that’s actually targeted on jobs."In the following interview, with Alison van Diggelen of Fresh Dialogues, Paul Krugman offers some suggestions for addressing the high unemployment rate (transcript here):
Professor Paul Krugman, Nov 12, 2009
And two pieces - the first from the NY Times, and the second from Krugman's blog.
From Krugman in the NY Times: Free to Lose
[T]hese aren’t normal times. Right now, workers who lose their jobs aren’t moving to the jobs of the future; they’re entering the ranks of the unemployed and staying there. Long-term unemployment is already at its highest levels since the 1930s, and it’s still on the rise.And from his blog: It’s the stupidity economy
And long-term unemployment inflicts long-term damage. Workers who have been out of a job for too long often find it hard to get back into the labor market even when conditions improve. And there are hidden costs, too — not least for children, who suffer physically and emotionally when their parents spend months or years unemployed.
So it’s time to try something different.
Just to be clear, I believe that a large enough conventional stimulus would do the trick. But since that doesn’t seem to be in the cards, we need to talk about cheaper alternatives that address the job problem directly. Should we introduce an employment tax credit, like the one proposed by the Economic Policy Institute? Should we introduce the German-style job-sharing subsidy proposed by the Center for Economic Policy Research? Both are worthy of consideration.
The point is that we need to start doing something more than, and different from, what we’re already doing.
[S]ome readers have asked why I’m not making the same arguments for America now that I was making for Japan a decade ago. The answer is that I don’t think I’ll get anywhere, at least not until or unless the slump goes on for a long time.
OK, so what’s next? The second-best answer would be a really big fiscal expansion, sufficient to mostly close the output gap. The economic case for doing that is really clear. But Washington is caught up in deficit phobia, and there doesn’t seem to be any chance of getting a big enough push.
That’s why, at this point, I’m turning to what I understand perfectly well to be a third-best solution: subsidizing jobs and promoting work-sharing.
Summary and a Look Ahead
by Calculated Risk on 11/15/2009 11:29:00 AM
This will be a busy week for key economic news starting with October Retail sales on Monday, Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization on Tuesday, and Housing Starts and CPI on Wednesday.
Also on Monday, at noon ET, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke will speak at the Economic Club of New York.
Last week started with several key Fed speeches:
I am concerned about the potential impact of CRE on the broader economy. ... there could be an impact resulting from small banks' impaired ability to support the small business sector—a sector I expect will be critically important to job creation.
... A lot of the CRE exposure is concentrated at smaller institutions (banks with total assets under $10 billion). These smaller banks account for only 20 percent of total commercial banking assets in the United States but carry almost half of total CRE loans (based on Bank Call Report data).
Many small businesses rely on these smaller banks for credit. ... Moreover, small firms' reliance on banks with heavy CRE exposure is substantial. Banks with the highest CRE exposure (CRE loan books that are more than three times their tier 1 capital) account for almost 40 percent of all small business loans.
Today, the number one challenge for small businesses remains poor sales rather than access to credit. But tomorrow, it will be important that small businesses also have access to funding if they are going to play their traditional role as an engine of growth.
When the weakness of the commercial property market is combined with the muted outlook for housing and consumer spending, you can see why I believe that the overall economic recovery is likely to be gradual and remain vulnerable to shocks. ... it would look something like an “L” with a gradual upward tilt of the base. With such a slow rebound, unemployment could well stay high for several years to come.
[L]ooking into 2010 and perhaps to 2011, the most likely outcome is for growth to be suboptimal, unemployment to remain a vexing problem and inflation to remain subdued.And economic data:

This graph shows the monthly U.S. exports and imports in dollars through September 2009.
Imports and exports increased in September. On a year-over-year basis, exports are off 13% and imports are off 21%.
The major contributors to the increase in the trade deficit were the increase in oil prices, and more imports from China. Also - the deficit is higher than expected, suggesting a downward revision to Q3 GDP.
And there were three more bank failures on Friday taking the total to 123 in 2009:
And some other stories of interest:
And a couple of comments from your humble blogger:
Best wishes to all.
China Banking Regulator: U.S. Policy Fueling Asset Speculation
by Calculated Risk on 11/15/2009 09:20:00 AM
From Bloomberg: China’s Liu Says U.S. Rates Cause Dollar Speculation
“The continuous depreciation in the dollar, and the U.S. government’s indication, that in order to resume growth and maintain public confidence, it basically won’t raise interest rates for the coming 12 to 18 months, has led to massive dollar arbitrage speculation,” [Liu Mingkang, chairman of the China Banking Regulatory Commission said] ...President Obama will be in China today, and there will probably be some dicussion of China's exchange rate policy.
Liu said this has “seriously affected global asset prices, fuelled speculation in stock and property markets, and created new, real and insurmountable risks to the recovery of the global economy, especially emerging-market economies.”
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Orion Bank CEO Had a Plan ...
by Calculated Risk on 11/14/2009 10:55:00 PM
In his comments with the Unofficial Problem Bank list, surferdude808 noted that the Federal Reserve issued a Prompt Corrective Action order against Orion Bank on Thursday. Orion was seized the following day by the FDIC.
The PCA order makes for interesting reading (Note: Stephen at FUMU Finance wrote to me about this - here is Stephen's post with some background details: Orion Bank - Management's master plan!). From the PCA:
In order to improve its management, the Bank must dismiss Jerry Williams (“Williams”), its current chief executive officer, president, and chairman of its board of directors, from office and as a member of the board of directors, based on the following:Pretty amazing.
(a) Prior to June 2009, the Bank reached its legal lending limit under Florida law with respect to the aggregate loans outstanding to a borrower and his related interests. In June 2009, Williams permitted the Bank to make loans of an additional approximately $60 million to straw borrowers who were related interests of the borrower referred to above in continuing violation of the Florida legal lending limit statute (the “June 2009 loans”);
(b) the June 2009 loans referred to above, which were made to enable the borrowers to purchase certain low quality assets from the Bank, were underwritten in an unsafe and unsound manner. The loans were made without adequate analysis of the borrowers’ creditworthiness, capacity for repayment, and valuation of collateral offered in support of the loans. Further, the loans were structured in a manner to make it appear that the Bank was reducing its level of classified assets;
(c) the Bank needed additional capital as of June 30, 2009, to avoid being less than well-capitalized. Williams had knowledge that $15 million of loan proceeds from the June 2009 loans referred to above were to be used to purchase common and preferred stock issued by Orion Bancorp, Inc., Naples, Florida (“Bancorp”), the parent holding company for the Bank, and Williams took steps to ensure that the $15 million was promptly used to purchase the holding company stock;
(d) in early July 2009, in response to inquiries from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta (the “Reserve Bank”), Williams stated orally and in writing that the $15 million in capital referred to above was raised “without any financing” provided by the Bank. This statement was false because Williams had information available to him to demonstrate that the Bank intended that the loan proceeds be used as the source of the stock purchase;
(e) as a result of the actions set forth in (a) through (d), above, the Bank, with Williams’ active participation, filed materially inaccurate regulatory reports, made false statements to the Federal Reserve, has suffered additional loan losses, and has failed to comply with provisions of an outstanding Written Agreement designed to require that the Bank properly address its asset quality problems. These actions show that the management of the Bank would be improved without Williams’ service as a senior executive officer or director of the Bank.
emphasis added